Friday, February 12, 2016

Letter 30: July 16, 1942

Letter 30: July 16, 1942
Postmarked Bury Port, Camarthenshire, Wales


(Note address cut out by inspector)

July 16/42 

Dear Ellen

            Hi Ya Babe what’s cookin. I received a welcome letter from you the other day & had to laugh when I read the part about you going to the Ladies Aid meeting. I received the parcel of Lowney’s chocolate Ellen & it is swell, I’m eating some while I’m answering your letter. I received 300 cigarettes from you Ellen a few days ago & thank you ever so much for them.

You asked me what I thought of you joining the army, well I gave you my opinion in my last letter.

I got a nice surprise the other day. I was called in front of the Commanding Officer & he informed me that I was promoted to a Flight Sergeant, it sure tickled me pink, now I have a crown above my three stripes, it is dated from the first of July.

            I told you in my last letter that I was being transferred from Lysanders to Blenheims, well I got off solo in record time & have been getting along okay on them. I can now add another type of aircraft to my list.

            I’m still rushing the same girl as I mentioned in my last letter and have been getting some swell meals at her place. I was out fishing with her Dad last week, he caught 4 trout & 4 eels but my catch was zero.. I hope to have better luck next time. She don’t drink so I’m almost been completely off the beer for over three weeks.

            I was at a Sports meet the other day & took my girl to a dance in the evening. I was in a tug-a-war team but after 4 pulls we lost. I was also in a 100 yd dash & came in fairly near the last. The next morning I could hardly walk I was so stiff. I had a few drinks at the dance at night, celebrating my promotion,

            I have seen quite a few good shows lately “Good by Mr Jordan” “Bahama Passage” “Reap of the Wild Wind”

            The weather here lately has been fairly chilly especially at nights, I think it must be direction of the wind or something.

            I think I told you that I got in contact with Mother’s sister’s daughter & expect to see her on my next  leave, she owes me a letter at the present time. My next leave is in the middle of August.

            Here is a little story Ellen

A fellow was courting a girl in Canada & then joined the Airforce & then came over to this country where he started rushing another girl. His girl back home got to hear about his carrying on & she wrote him a haughtly letter wanting to know “what she got that I haven’t got” He answered her letter & said “Nothing but it is over here”

            Well Ellen I guess this is about all for this time Nell so I’ll say adieus for now
            Your loving brother


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