Friday, February 5, 2016

Letter 28: June 16, 1942

Letter 16: June 16, 1942
Postmarked Bury Port, Camarthenshire, Wales

Can R85176
Sgt Piper F J
RCAF Overseas
Attached to No1 AGS
June 16/42
Dear Ellen
            Well I received a letter from you a few days ago Ellen & thanks for all the news, I see that you don’t love Outlook any more than you ever did, so you’ve almost made your mind up on one man eh Nell.
            News is about a short with me as it is with you, things so along in the same routine as they always did.
Well I suppose the Sports days in all the different towns will be in full swing by now & the baseball & softball craze will be on. I sure would like to have a game of ball again. I would sure enjoy it. I haven’t been doing any swimming as yet, the sea shore is only about ¾ of a mile away & a lot of the fellows have gone swimming but as yet I haven’t been down. I never was very crazy about swimming anyhow.
            My chum & I went to the wedding last week in London of one of our Pilots, the wedding went off very good & the bride was really nice. There was a nice reception afterwards with Holden & I sitting close to the table with beer on.
            After everything was over the two of us got a hotel room & then went to a dance. We also spent Sunday in London & then caught a train in evening for the camp.
            There was a dance in the Sgt Mess last week & it was a good night with everybody happy.
            I was at a show t other night in town & what a terrible show it was, it was called “Little Foxes” we walked out in the middle of it. I had a day off yesterday & I went to a dance in the evening.
            Today I am Duty Pilot again so I get a chance to write a few letters.
            The weather had been fairly good lately with quite a bit of flying going on.
A Little Story
The engineer of a train brought the train to a halt because there were two niggers (man & woman) going at it between the rails. The engineer being very angry jumped out of his engine & asked them why the hell they didn’t move when they saw the train coming. “Well” Rastas replied “It was like this boss, I was coming, she was coming & the train was coming & you was the only one that had brakes”
            My Flight Commander asked me the other day if it would be possible for me to get some silk stockings from home for his wife as it is damn near impossible to get them here. I told him I would ask my sister if she would send them to me. If you send them Ellen get the money from Dad as he has money of mine & then I’ll get the money from this fellow. He asked if I could get five pair, size 9. If you could send me a few chocolate bars or a little grub of some kind you could put the stockings in with it. I hope this isn’t to much trouble for you Ellen.
            I didn’t like the idea of asking you to do it, but seeing it is the Flight Commander, well you know how it is..
            You mentioned that you were sending a parcel for my birthday & some cigarettes, they haven’t arrived as yet but I guess they will one of these days, thanking you for everything Ellen I will close this epistle for this time.
            Hoping this finds you in the best of health
            Your loving brother
PS Got two letters today, one from Nettie Dewar & Jay Sloan, Nettie sure is a scream.
PS I’m enclosing a snap of Nettie Piper, it got scratched a bit in the developing.


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