Letter 27: May 30, 1942
Postmarked Bury Port, Camarthenshire, Wales
Pt Piper F J
By the time you get this letter you
will be thinking I had broke my arm, well Nell I’ve been on 14 days leave so
that’s why I haven’t written. I found two letters waiting for me from you when
I returned & thanks for the birthday card Ellen & also the clippings
from the papers there are some damn cute storys in them. I was sorry to hear
that Allan was quarantined but I hope you got up to see him the next weekend.
You sure can change you mind as far as men are concerned, you have a new flame
every letter you write, remember what I told you about the Mounted Policeman,
well it turned out just as I said, you haven’t mentioned him for quite sometime.
When I got to Aunt Janet’s on this last leave, I was informed that Ellen was
getting married, you mentioned the fact in a letter to her, it sure made me
smile, she had gone and taken you serious. I’m glad you liked the snaps Ellen.
I took some more on my leave so I’ll be sending you some of them in my next
The weather here has been similar to
your weather, we have been paying for all the nice weather we had earlier on
because it has been wet & dreary for a couple of weeks on & off.
Well Ellen I had a good leave, I
went to London again for a few days & then to Edinburgh & Musselburgh
where I stayed for 4 days. I stayed at Uncle Jimmy’s most of the time &
really enjoyed myself. I met cousin Jimmy while I was there, he is working on
Aerodromes & was home for a few days, he used to be in Alberta near Uncle
Jack working for a farmer. I also met his wife & they are both nice. On the
Sunday while I was there I went to church with Nettie & then in the
afternoon Nettie & her girl friend & myself went to see the Edinburgh
Zoo which was very interesting. I then went to Sorn where I stayed for the rest
of my leave. I went to dance in Catrine , the nest town to Sorn. I had a swell
time & they had quite a few old time dances. I was up at Cousin Archie’s
farm for a day & a night (our Dad learnt the blacksmith trade from Archie’s
dad) I went threshing in the day time & then we went into Ayr at night.
Then on Sunday when I left Archie picked me up at Sorn & took me to catch
the train to come back. I had a swell time at Sorn & I also heard a few
more storied in the local Pub about Dad & his rookies in their younger
Here’s a little story Ellen
A preacher in a town found that
since the nudist camp started up in his parish that the congregation was
becoming smaller in church on Sundays. So he got permission to go to the nudist
camp on a Sunday & see if any of his congregation were there. He was up in
the tower which overlooked the camp & he was looking around at the
different people sitting around, when all of a sudden he pointed at a woman
& said to his escort “Isn’t that Nancy Brown” Naw his escort answered “It’s
Well Ellen I guess this is about all
for this time so I’ll say solong for now.
Your loving brother
I had a couple of letters from Dad & also a letter from Archie after quite
a spell, Archie sure loves to write letters.
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