Friday, January 22, 2016

Letter 24: February 20, 1942

Letter 24: February 20, 1942

R85176 Sgt Piper F J
RCAF  Attached
 No1 AGS   RAF
Feb 20/41
(incorrect date, should be 1942)
Dear Ellen
            Hello Nell how’s every little thing with you. I received your number 13 letter the other day & thanks for writing me so regular. I haven’t written you as many letters as you’ve written me but then you understand because I have so many to write. You asked about the cigarettes, yes I received 200 from you Ellen & thanks ever so much. I thanked you in another letter which you should have by now.
            Well Ellen as far as flying is concerned there isn’t much I can say about it as I just came back from 10 days leave on the 17th Feb & I’ve only flew one hour since so you see why.
            I had a nice leave and I travelled over a lot of territory, first I went to the south of England to see Les & Scotty & had a very enjoyable time, it sure was good to see them & we sure had a swell visit. Then as Les had a 48 hr pass him & I went into London & I met his wife who seems to be a very fine girl. I knocked around London for a few days looking the place over (especially the Pubs) then I went up to Scotland to Auntie Janet’s where I stayed the rest of my leave. I went into Ayr on the Sat afternoon with one of our cousins Hugh McEwan & some other fellows & some of us went skating at the Ayr artificial Ice rink which I really enjoyed, then in the evening we Pub Crawling and visited several of Robbie Burns favourite Pubs. And then at night we went dancing. The next day I went skating on a Loch (we would call it a slough at home) the ice was a bit rubbery but it was okay. Auntie Janet said that many times Dad had gone skating on the same Loch when he was young. Auntie Janet is fine she had been sick with the Flu but was felling fine when I was there, both school teachers were fine & also Margaret McDonald the little evacuee. Miss Simpson (the elder) & Auntie Janet were talking about when they saw you as a little infant & you had those big brown innocent eyes of yours. I met some more of Dads old cronies & got some more low down on him. One fellow said that if the kids now a days done some of the things that him & Baldy (that’s Dad) & some of the other fellows used to do they would be put in jail.
            I didn’t go up to Edinburgh this last leave as I didn’t have time, but I hope to get up there the next time.
            There was a big dance in the city last night so six of us fellows went on a party before going to the dance, only four of us came back on out own power. We have a special little Pub of our own which we go to & I have quite a but of influence with the wife, the boss, she thinks I’m a pretty good Joe, when she is a little shore of whiskey & she knows we’re coming in she puts a bottle to the side for us. I was asked to be Master of Ceremonies at a dance in a town close to the camp, it is to be held in March, they are going to put in on the advertising bills Sgt Piper RCAF  MC.
            We are going to have another dance in the Sergts Mess on the 27th of this month, this should be another good night. While I was on my leave I left my bicycle with one of the mechanics in our Flight & he overhauled my byce & painted it and it runs like a clock now. You wouldn’t no it was the same byce.
            Say Ellen I’m sorry I never sent you greetings before you birthday, but anyway I was at Auntie Janet’s on your birthday & we both said it together, Many Happy Returns of the day to Ellen.
            I heard Mary Clark speaking over the radio to Les & Mac the other day & it sure seemed funny to hear a voice one knows all the way from Canada.
            I had a letter from Dorothy Piper yesterday and she was telling me she is in training for a nurse. I also had a nice letter from Nettie Dewar & is she ever a scream in her letters, she just writes the way she talks, one sentence I got a bang out of was “I wish your were here so I could have a good dance for a change, these plough-jockeys don’t know what its all about” She also sent me a picture of herself.
            I’m enclosing you a couple of pictures, one of Aunt Janet & one of myself in battle dress, you’ll notice my strips on my right arm, this is all we wear in battle dress.
            Well Ellen I guess that about all for now so I will say adieus for now.
            Your loving brother
Hugh McEwan:  is the grandson of Jane Piper, a sister of Fred's grandfather William. Hugh and Fred were 2nd cousins
Dorothy Piper: is the daughter of Fred's 1st cousin William Piper in Alberta. Fred and Dorothy were 1st cousins once removed.

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